What sparked your first ever interest in photography?
My mother loved to make photos when she was younger. Like most parents she also made a lot of pictures of my childhood. When I got a little older it was so nice to look back at these. She really captured life’s moments and through her photos she was able to show me what these moments meant to her. Some 15 years ago I started to develop the same interest for photography. Quite by accident I ran into an analogue water camera on a flea market and from then on I just started shooting.
Whose work has influenced you most?
I am, and always was, so immensely inspired by the sea itself. That sheer power and rawness of nature basically gives me all the inspiration I need. I am also quite self-taught. I did successfully follow an entry course to get submitted to the photography academy but I never entered the course itself. As I did more and more shoots I learned from session to session what circumstances I found most interesting for me to take pictures of. Like other photographers I use socials to promote my work so inevitably I started to look more at what other water photographers were doing. But still, I do not think they really made me look differently at my own work. I just like to follow my own direction, develop my own style and keep following that.
Ok, let me put it in another way. Is there a photographer who’ s work you really like?
Yes, there is. It is..
Read full article here: Water does Work (bluejuicesurf.com)
Foto below: Laura shot by Sabrina Vermeulen

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